Fun in the Capital District

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bounce Around

We found a great place for a rainy day... Bounce Around in the Clifton Park Center mall. It's in a large-ish storefront right in the mall. They have a big Bounce Activity Center for little kids, about 4 or 5 huge Inflatables for older kids, a nice amount of token for ticket games, small token rides and a prize redemption counter. I believe they had a few snacks and beverages available - cheeze doodles and the like. They are open 7 days a week, host birthday parties and also rent and sell the Bounce Houses.
One difficult thing, though, when you're have younger or shy kids was their the policy that adults can't go in the Inflatables with the kids. Also, make sure everyone has socks.
The mall is typically quite quiet. I got in a few errands - there is a DMV and Time Warner Cable office in the mall - we had our lunch in the food court and I got a little window shopping done.
There's a coupon online that you can print for a weekday Buy One, Get One admission.
$7.00 for a single hour
$8.75 for 2 hours
$10.75 for a full day

Bounce Around
Clifton Park Center

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